Thursday, October 30, 2008

Seach for the top JonasFan

Hi, This is my new websearch on the Jonas brothers. There's some easy questions and some hard stuff but you should be okay. Just send me your awenswers when you this your right :D

1. What was the name of their first album?
2. Where was Kevin Jonas born?
3. What was the exact date “a Little bit longer” was released
4. How much does Nick Jonas weight
5. What’s Joe Jonas’s Favorite color?
6. How tall is Joe Jonas?
7. How tall is Kevin Jonas?
8. What is the best if both worlds concert?
9 Which Jonas brother eyes are sensitive to light?
10. Which Jonas brother trademark there bandanna
11. What’s Joe Jonas’s favorite song?
12. What’s Kevin Jonas ticklish spot?
13. who plays Shane in camp rock
14. which Jonas brother stabbed Kevin with a pencil
15. What is up with Kevin Jonas's sideburns
16. Who is Nick J’s dog named after
17. Why did Joe Jonas freak out when he saw Nick swimming
18. What type of diabetes does Nick Jonas have
19.. Who’s the bonus Jonas
20. Whats Mama Jonas’s real name?

Have fin :D

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